Balloon Vine is used in the Indian traditional medicine system for the treatment of rheumatism, lumbago, cough, nervous diseases, and stiffness of limbs. Halicacabum is derived from the Latin word’ halicacabum,’ a plant with inflated fruits. Balloon Vine is often found as a weed along roads and rivers.
Balloon Vine Powder, Cardiospermum Halicababum, Kanphata Leaves Powder Val Penala (3lb)
- The excellent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics of balloon vine, which contains analgesic flavanols, glycosides, and phenols, make it particularly helpful for reducing all types of inflammation.
- In addition to helping to treat arthritis, balloon vine also significantly lessens joint pain and inflammation.
- A useful herbal can-cer treatment is balloon vine extract.
- Balloon Vine can be used for hair to treat itchy scalp and dandruff and for promoting hair growth.
- Balloon Vine has anti-ulcer properties that helps to reduce acidity
sathishkumar –
Very good……iam very happy. ..